Meet Marie Drago Founder Gallinée

Meet Marie Drago, French pharmacist and Founder Gallinée 



What made want to start your own business?

When I launched Gallinée, the thing I heard the most from my friends and family was “good! You’ve been talking about it forEVER”.

I was never a really good employee, and I used to be so stressed about life being too short. Since I created Gallinée, I never been happier and I am learning every day. I also got to meet a lot of amazing people along the way, which I think is my favourite part about being an entrepreneur.


What was the hardest about starting the business ?

I’d never lived without a salary, so that was quite a challenging step for me. But once I realised that the worst possible outcome was I would have to take a job again, it became a lot easier.


Where are you from in France ?

I’m as Parisian as it gets, but one of the nice ones. I was born in the 15th arrondissement, raised in the 16th and lived in the 18th. I have the accent to prove it



How do you get ready for a night out or an event? Any secret tips?

I put my makeup on at the last minute and never wear high heels. I’m not sure it’s the best tips…


How do you take care of your body and wellbeing in general?

I love food and I agree with Hippocrates that you should have food be your medicine. As a good French girl, I tend to cook from scratch. I also have quite a special diet that help with my autoimmune problems, based on a lot of fermented food and prebiotic fibres. I’m the queen of the fibre smoothie.


If you had to choose one beauty or skincare products only to take with you, which one would it be ?

The Gallinée cleansing Bar. It’s the one thing to take on a holiday: perfect for face, body and even hair. Plus it’s not a liquid, so more room in the little airport bag for the rest!

gallinee soap, bacteria for skin, french skincare, french pharamcy

How do you relax ?

I really like bouldering. It’s really physical, and it’s loads of little problems to solve that only take a couple of minute.

I also spend as much time as possible with my friends and family. It’s easy to want to work non-stop, but life is short and should not be spent working.

I am also a big fan of Bruce Chatwin. He’s a writer who said everything can be cured with a walk. I walk a lot, and London is the perfect city for this.


Favourite place in London ?

Smithfield and around. It’s full of history, little hidden places and great food. I recommend a cocktail at Oriole, hidden below the market


Favourite holiday or travel destination

I’m just back from Siberia and it had been the most incredible experience. The best way to make me happy is to drop me in a place where I don’t understand the language, I can walk the whole day and the food looks weird.



You can shop Gallinée Skincare range here