Meet Nadia Cavelle


 French girl, french life, french style


Why did you start your own business ?

My partner, actor Zachary Fall, and I set up our own production company ‘Woven Voices’ to produce my first stage play in 2015.

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What made want to start your own business?

The acting industry being a tough and extremely competitive one, I felt the urge to make my own work rather than sitting around, rolling my thumbs, waiting for the phone to ring. I also wanted to develop as a professional writer, not just as an actor. Setting up a production company helped me legitimise that aspiration as well as give me the formal and licenced framework within which to produce my writing.


What was the hardest about starting the business ?

Starting from stratch and producing work of a professional standard with very little means. Convincing people to believe in your vision and talent when you’re still very new to the field - ‘unknown’ or ‘green’ as they like to call you. This is even harder when you’re a young woman, being taken seriously can be a real challenge at times. Having said that, I’ve found that the harder it is, the more you want it, the more you challenge yourself, the harder you work, the better you get.


Where are you from in France ?

 My maternal grandmother was from Alsace, though I’ve never lived there myself as I am half Swiss, was born in Zurich and bred all over South-East Asia. My mother tongue is French though and my parents have a lovely holiday home in the South of France, where I seek refuge from the London madness as often I can. My partner Zachary is also half French and grew up in Paris and Montpellier, so I spend quite a bit of time in both those beautiful cities too. I only ever get my hair cut in France – French hairdressers are the best, the only ones to understand my hair! Speaking of hair, I use Phytovolume by Phyto – best shampoo I’ve come across!

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pic @jpdelmotte



What is your daily skincare routine ?

I’m lucky that I’ve always had very good skin, with almost no acne. People often think I look about 10 years younger than I am, mostly because of my skin. It’s partly genetics and partly because I don’t smoke and I drink very little as I don’t like wine, beer or champagne! This limits me greatly in terms of social drinking, but really helps my skin I think!

I have to admit I only ever use one face cream once a day. For years I used a very famous brand, but about two years ago, as I decided to make a shift towards living more sustainbly, I started looking into more ethical brands. A big thing for me when buying beauty products now is that they are free of palm oil and packaged as sustainably as possible. It’s partly why I’m now using Weleda’s Skin Food. At first I thought it’d be too thick, but I find that applying it on my face makes me feel like I get an instant face lift everytime! It helps wake my skin up every morning and smells so good!

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pic @rachelmarieabreu


How do you get ready for a night out or an event? Any secret tips?

I don’t really have any secret tips. I just put on a little more make up – like a red or pink lip – than I do during the day. My hair is naturally a little wavy, so I like to let it dry naturally and sometimes I use a little sea salt spray to help bring out the curl a bit more.


How do you take care of your body and wellbeing in general?

I think it’s very important to eat well and exercise to maintain a healthy weight, no matter your body shape. Again, in an effort to live more sustainbly, I have massively reduced my diary and meat (including poultry and fish) intake. Whereas I used to eat chicken or fish almost everyday, and red meat weekly, I now only have them on special occasions, like at Christmas or once at a restaurant on holiday. I make sure I get enough Vitamin B12 by sprinkling nutritional yeast on almost everything I cook. It lifts the taste of everything, kind of like parmesan does with pasta!

I’ve also had a very tricky back for the past three years and have had to learn to manage pain on a daily basis. I now do Pilates four times a week for my back and I love it. Though I could really do with less pain, I am grateful for the fact that it forces me to exerice regularly because I feel so much better in my skin for it.


If you had to choose one beauty or skincare products only to take with you, which one would it be ?

Weleda’s Skin Food because I’d feel very uncomfortable all day if I couldn’t apply it on my face every morning! I’d really miss my foundation from Dr. Hauschka because it gives me the coverage I need and a beautiful glow, and it feels so light on the skin and smells so delicious. I’d also really miss mascara... But to be honest, the one product I actually carry around with me when I’m out is my deodorant – Déo-soin Dermato by Rogé Cavaillès. Not a very glamourous to mention, but it saves my day a few times a day, especially now that it’s getting warmer!


How do you relax ?

 I’m not great at relaxing – I think it’s part of the challenge of being an entrepreneur, you’re never not working, in your head at least! I’m trying to get better at it. I’ve been a very happy dog owner for a year now and my Little Lady (yes, that’s her actual name!) really helps relax me with her cuddles and play, and simply because all she wants is to give love and get love back. Taking her on a walk can really help get my mind off things. I like to go to the theatre and cinema as well as watch TV shows and films at home to get inspired and keep up to date on what’s being made. If I really need to switch my brain off, an episode of ‘Say Yes to the Dress’ or ‘Take Me Out’ will do the trick! I love a good podcast and a good book too, the kind you can’t put down. And I love hanging out with friends, whether it’s cooking for them, going out for a meal or playing board games. On the rare occasion, I’ll treat myself to a good old deep tissue massage!


Favourite place in London ?

Appestat in Angel, where I brunch almost every Sunday. I really love Maison d’Etre in Highbury too, their smoothies are the best! My local Thai is also a favourite.

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Favourite holiday or travel destination

 I don’t know that I can pick just one! Two years ago, I spent a few days on family friend’s goat’s cheese farm in the middle of nowhere in Poitou-Charentes and it was pure bliss! I do love the South of France too and I miss South-East Asia, where I grew up, a lot. I would love to travel back to all countries where I spent my childhood – one day!


Nadia Cavelle play Subject Mater is showing in July in London and Edinburgh

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